Leading with Vision, Building with Unity: Vote Team SMART for BASIS!
Empowering Tech, Empowering Tomorrow: Choose Progress, Choose Team SMART!
Strength in Diversity, Progress in Unity: Elect Team SMARTfor BASIS!
Driving Innovation, Fueling Growth: Your Voice, Your Choice, Team SMART for BASIS!
Together we the people achieve more than any single
person could ever do alone.
To lead BASIS with collaborative vision, fostering innovation and empowering tech companies to thrive, fueling economic growth and positioning Bangladesh as a global tech leader.
Mission Liakat HossainTo cultivate a vibrant, inclusive tech ecosystem within BASIS, driving transformative innovation and sustainable growth. Empowering tech companies to flourish and propel Bangladesh to the forefront of the global tech revolution.
Vision Liakat HossainWith my extensive experience in the industry, I bring a wealth of expertise and a strong commitment to driving progress in our IT sector. Understanding the complexities of our local market, I'm ready to lead initiatives that foster growth and innovation. My background in industry development equips me to lead strategic efforts that push our members towards sustained success in a rapidly evolving landscape. Furthermore, my skills in policy formulation and advocacy ensure that we remain at the forefront of regulatory discussions, advocating for policies that benefit our members and create a conducive business environment. Prioritizing human resources development is central to my vision, as I recognize the critical role of talent in driving organizational excellence.
More than 24+ years working experience in ICT Sector, Extensive working experience in Telecom, MNC, RMG, National defense,
15 Years working experience as a CEO of company, where main Product line are ERP, Saas, Games, Apps, E-Learning Portal
I have conducted database related courses under Oracle University,USA
More than 5000+ hour training experience in oracle 8,8i,9i,10g training ,Data guard, RAC training,
Oracle Database Administration, installation, upgrade & migration, backup and recovery, performance tuning...
Technical working experience on more than 30+ Project (Telco, IGW, Defence, Bank, National Grid , RMG etc.)
We became Champion in Indigenous Service Category of Basis National ICT Award for 'Learnerscafe in 2019.
Learnerscafe in 2019 Basis National ICT AwardWe became Champion in Supply Chain Category of Basis National ICT Award for 'Prottay ERP" in 2018.
Prottay ERP Basis National ICT AwardI'm a walking IT department! With certifications from Oracle, Microsoft, and Red Hat, I've got all the bases covered when it comes to databases, operating systems, and beyond.
Vendor Certifications Oracle,Microsoft,Red HatSuccessful campaigns usually require a campaign manager to coordinate the campaign’s operations. Apart from a candidate, the campaign manger is often a campaign’s most visible leader.
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Together we the people achieve more we than any person could ever does snoopers alone..
©2024, Liakat Hossain All rights reserved.
Innovate, Collaborate, Elevate: Together for a Tech-Driven Future!